Emily Elizabeth Brammer - Мемориальный вебсайт онлайн

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Emily Brammer
Родился вTexas
1 year
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Archie & Tonia Wooley

I saw Emily the night before the terrible accident.  Her beautiful smile and love for her daddy was very prevalent.  The struggles and acomplishments she made were very evident from knowing her colors to tying her shoes.  One joy she had in our technological world was the pure joy of watching her movies while riding in a vehicle.  She and my daughter played very well together and I will never forgoet how they seemed to be sisters.  Just typing this brings back memories and the loss I feel from losing her to death, but I can find solace knowing one day I will see her again in heaven withour pain or discomfort.  She is gone from this world but never will she be amidst from our memories and hearts.


We love and miss you terribly,

Archie, Tonia, Caleb, Kaloni and MaKayla Wooley

Tia DeMoss


The last memory I have of you is when I was on the phone with your mommy and you wanted to talk, so your mom put you on the phone. You did not want to say my name but you finally did and it was so cute!!!

 The last time I saw you, it was your first birthday and you were so happy, you were chowing down pizza and thats all you were focused on!! I love you Emmy 

Mommy and Daddy

This is where Emily lived her life. I was a wonderful home. And our four children as well. I still remember her following her daddy every where. She sure did love her daddy. As mommy loved daddy as well.

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